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A Call To Capcom

Petition to Permanently Implement the Serious Handler

A Call to Capcom

Fellow Monster Hunter enthusiasts, I present to you a plea that has been weighing heavily on the hearts of many: a petition to Capcom to restore the Serious Handler as our permanent companion in all future Monster Hunter games.

A Beloved Character

When the Serious Handler graced our screens in the base game, she instantly captivated us with her stoic demeanor, unwavering determination, and in-depth knowledge of hunting. Unlike our previous handlers, she represented a level of professionalism and expertise that resonated deeply with experienced hunters who longed for a more immersive hunting experience.

Her abrupt departure from Iceborne left a gaping hole in our hearts. While the mod community has provided a temporary solution for World, it is not a viable option for Iceborne. We believe that the Serious Handler deserves a permanent place in the Monster Hunter universe, and we are determined to make it happen.

Reasons for Reinstatement

There are several compelling reasons why Capcom should consider reinstating the Serious Handler.

  • Her popularity among fans: The immense popularity of the Serious Handler is a testament to her character's depth and appeal. She has become an iconic figure in the Monster Hunter community.
  • Her unique perspective: The Serious Handler offers a distinct perspective on the world of hunting. Her focus on strategy, tactics, and weapon mastery makes her an invaluable resource for both veteran and novice hunters alike.
  • Her role in the story: While not a central character, the Serious Handler played a significant role in the base game's story, providing guidance and support to the protagonist. Her absence in Iceborne leaves a narrative gap that needs to be filled.

Our Petition

We implore Capcom to listen to the fervent pleas of its loyal fans and consider bringing back the Serious Handler in a permanent capacity. We request that she be made our default handler in all future Monster Hunter games, starting with the next mainline entry in the series.

Together, let us raise our voices and show Capcom the overwhelming demand for the Serious Handler. Sign the petition today and let your support be heard. Together, we can make this dream a reality!
